Well, I'm not doing my job. I'm not keeping up with this like I said I would. Life just rolls on and I don't feel like it's that interesting to all of you. Here is my attempt to catch you up on normal, everyday life in the Skelton house for the last month.
Aison is now 14 months. He runs everywhere. He wakes up happy and begins his day with his normal ornery smile! He loves, loves, loves being outside. He runs to the door every time he hears it open and will escape if given a 2 second opportunity. He has been teething now for the past 3 months nonstop. One comes in and another blisters up. It takes his teeth forever to come through so he has had diaper issues for the entire time. His vocabulary has grown so much!! He now says Mama, Daddy, LeeRoy(oy-oy), Trash(tash)-After changing his diaper, he now patiently waits for you to fold it up so he can take it to the "tash". He loves playing in the bath water while I take a bath. He gets mad if there aren't any "bubus" (bubbles). He loves to sit in my lap and "jive"(drive) to Nanny's. Don't turn me in. She is 2 blocks away and we "jive" 5 mph the whole way. No races yet! He can say juice and asks for his bottle right before bed. (Yes, I know he shouldn't be taking a bottle. That is a summer project) He can say Kenady (Tidady). That makes Dylan so mad. He won't try to say hers. He will now repeat just about everything you ask him to. He has already started torchering Dylan. He will take any chance he can to "pounce" on her. He waits until she is suspecting nothing and he hits her upside the head with a mousse can or on the back with a shoe or pulls her hair. Pretty comical!
Kenady is Kenady!! She keeps us on our toes! She is going through a pretty tough stage right now. She has decided she likes to throw fits...BIG ONES! If not allowed to "do it by myself" or things don't go as she had planned, the kicking and screaming, crying and stomping are on like Donkey Kong!! She IS getting better. This one is a work in progress. She loves doing everything in 3's right now. "I'm 3 so I need 3" she will say. She loves playing on the iPad, which drives me nuts, and watching cartoons. I have to limit her time on both. She loves the fact that she goes to a different grandma's every day. In the morning, the 1st words out of her mouth are "What day is it today?" To which I have to say...Nanny day, Granny day, Mimi day, or Nya-Ya day. Outside is where she loves to be. She likes playing with sidewalk chalk, riding her bike and swinging. She is finally drawing actual people when she draws. They are heads with legs and arms attached, but they are people. Funny how all kids start the same. She went to the dentist for the first time last week. She was a champ! After her cleaning, it was my turn. When they started cleaning, Kenady looked at me and said, "Wow, Momma! You are doing soooo good!! I'm so proud of you!" She said this as she patted my arm. We are now recovering from a pretty bad bout of Rotavirus! This is a stomach bug that can last up to 9 days. We were on day 5 of throwing up and diarrhea when I decided to take her to the Dr. to make sure she hadn't dehydrated. While standing at the counter to check in and pay, she threw up at least a gallon of clear liquid right there in line. People were lined up behind us to check in. It was a helpless feeling. After calling us back we followed Amber, Dr. H's nurse, down the hall to our room. Kenady said, "Hey, did you know that every time I cough and sneeze, I poop in my pants?" Not missing a beat, the nurse laughed and said that was a terrible problem. Kenady agreed! Moral to this story....don't ask her if you don't want to know. The fuzzy picture below is of her first time on "The Big Stage" for tap! She loved it and never missed a beat. We had to wait backstage for over an hour. I had the wrong lens on and it was blurry. I also had trouble with the video camera working. So...no record of this one. Thank goodness she will do it again. Her tap recital is in a few weeks. I have to say...she is such a cutie!!
Dylan is just growing up so fast. We are already dealing with drama I thought would come later. Wow, what will it be like when she's a teenager? She is doing so great in school. She has had all A's this year. I believe 95 is the lowest. She was chosen for Good Citizen for a 6 weeks. She is such a good little artist! She draws, paints, colors, and writes nonstop. She did great in basketball, loves gymnastics and will be starting Coach Pitch soon. She is involved in Clover Kids and loves participating in some of the community service projects. The thorn in my side right now is the "Little Miss Wellington" pageant coming up next month. There was no amount of money or bribe that would talk her out of doing this. Let me just add that I HATE pageants. I hate the fact that these little girls are judged on their looks. Are we not in a society that already judges us on our looks enough? I don't want Dylan to ever think she's not good enough or pretty enough or that there is something wrong with her. Especially based on 3 judges opinions. I caved and let her be in it, but I can only hope that she decides on her own that it isn't something she wants to do throughout her school years. Dylan's love right now is her Christmas gift from Santa...LeeRoy. Yes, I know. I didn't pick the name. Just had to get that out there. He is a 6 month old English Mastiff. He is goofy and large and clumsy. It's pretty funny watching him. I will let the pictures say the rest.
Now that I have given you our life story, I will hopefully begin to have a little more time to keep this up to date and not write a novel each time.
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